
happy birthday

Happy Birthday,Katy
i have tons of things that i wanna say to her. but i'm always saying same thing every her birthday. hehe so today i just wanna thank for her...  thanks for making my life happy everyday. thanks for making me smile every time. thank you mommy cat. i love you always. have a great year and hope you have good birthday.  


horror night

i went to usj again last saturday with same guys. this time i didn't ride that roller coaster! but....i went to "back draft" you know, fire show, and it was cold outside so i thought it's perfect but... there was no fire in that show, and instead of it, there was Sadako!!!!!! do you know Sadako? she's the most famous ghost in japan. okay, now i feel scared to write this. oh don't try to google it (if you don't like scary thing) anyway in that show, i was almost scared to piss lol because while the show i kept shutting my eyes off and one moment i opened them and.... in front of me, there was herrrrrrr! i knew that she's a just human who is working in usj but i screamed and run away from that room. then there was next problem, zombies were everywhere! literary EVERYWHERE! and they tried to attack us. i could hear screaming all over the place and children are really crying. yeahhh it was so  crazy and i could imagine what the world of Bio Hazard is like. Sadako was SO scared to me thou, zombies aren't so i wanted enjoy that crazy world but i've had stomachache and i felt really sick at that time so i left the usj soon after seeing zombies for a moment. i heard that zombies start dancing when the michael jackson's "thriller" is playing in the park so i really wanted to see it thou...

土曜日にまたusj同じメンバーといってきた!今回はハリドリ乗らずにすんだ代わりに、、同じくらいの怖さのものを体験。夕方6時ころ、外も寒くて「バックドラフト」っていう炎のパフォーマンスショー見に行ったんだけど、今の時期のusjは「ホラーナイト」だから夜の乗り物は何かしら怖いものが出てくるってのはわかってたんだけどまさかあそこまでとは!!炎演出一瞬たりともなかったよ!笑 ていうか今思い出してこれ書くのさえ怖いんだけどね!バックドラフトは3つ部屋を順番に進むんだけど、1つめで映像、2つめで怪奇現象がステージで起こる、とここまではまだ耐えれた!(ほとんど目開けてないけど)、でも3つ目でもう、死亡しました。目つぶってても貞子が歩いてくるのが足から感じるし、一度だけ目開けた時に目の前に貞子がいたの。。。文章であの怖さ伝えれない← ま~じ怖かった。周りの人間の「キャー」って叫び声が余計怖さをあおりたててるよね。あれでパニックの怖さがよくわかったわ~。みんな怖い思いしてもとりあえず叫ぶのはやめようぜ← で貞子にあおられて皆出口に向かって走ってやっと外に出れた~と思ったらなんだか外がやたら騒がしいじゃないですか~~~。そう、ゾンビ大量発生。 usjすごいよー!ゾンビの量はんぱないし、凄いリアルだし、めっちゃ襲ってくるし!そこらじゅうで子供が号泣してて可哀想だった~。絶対ユニバ嫌いになるよ。。マイケルのスリラーが流れたときはゾンビ全員踊り出すって聞いてたけど、私そんとき強烈に腹痛くて、ユニバのトイレ激混みだからゾンビから逃げながら秒で外出ました← 「ホラーナイト」11月までやってるからそれまでにまた行くから、次は見れるといいな~!


been to hollywood!

I just got back from LA. it was amazing! HAHAHAHA just kidding i wish it was true though. I went to usj (universal stadio japan!) last sunday with my friends and also i bought annual passport so i'll go to there this saturday again with same guys :D last time i went to this place was about two years ago so i had really good time except a fucking roller coaster. actually i'm not supposed to ride it but i don't know why, i did and it was.... freakin scared! i can choose music while i'm riding it and i chose madonna's "celebration" and when i heard the sound, i get a little bit high but after that moment, the caster went up, and i screamed "oh my guaaad" and then i closed my eyes and shut my mouth. literally i never open my eyes or say even one word. i just waited time to pass. it was about 2 minutes. it was a roller coaster called "back drop". do you what does it mean?  i can't understand why people want to ride that awful thing even to pay own money. to be honest, i never wanna ride it again but i think i'll do that this saturday. ugh  anyway, except that, i really had great time so it's okay :Dhaha



castles of crystal


crystak castlesのalice glassことアリス姐さんのファッション素敵ー!バンドT+タイトめスカート+タイツにマーチンかコンバース!




