8 Femmes (8 women/八人の女たち:2002)
I watched "8 women" two days ago in my school. I've been knew it because i read about it in magazine of feature on musical movies (i bought it because of Les Miserables) and i also heard that this movies is artistic. so i've wanted to see it. YES. very artistic and my taste! first, opening is awesome. look below. these flowers with blue background. so beautiful aren't they!? immediately after the movie starts,i felt "i will love this movie" and that feeling is true. now this's one of my favorite movies :) there're a lot of my favorite points. such as artistic and coloful,fashionable,woman with cat eye liner,speaking french and musical!! and story is also interesting. how could it be more perfect?

my favorite three women of them. the woman on the left is totally look like Quinn on Glee! right?lol and the woman on the right is like..someone i can't find out yet. maybe..Lily Collins + Nina Dobrev...NO? in this story, relationships are soooo complicated. it can be even funny.
i can't get this two songs out of my mind. i want soundtrack♡ fyi, this musical is played even in japan. i don't wanna watch in japanese though..
Le Petit Nicolas (Little Nicholas/プチニコラ:2009)
i know i wrote about this movie before on ameba but let me do one more time. i borrowed this dvd from my friend. she's also movie fan and she recommended it so much. maybe i can say that this's the one reason i came to like french movies. i used to hate french movies. because i can't understand anything. that mekes me so uncomfortable. but now, i don't know what happend though, i love it. and i think i wanna learn french!haha i'll do that next year. in this movie,there're a lot of laugh. and all kids are soooooo cute. it's not common in american movies i think. this movie makes me wanna watch with my family :)

☝this is the funniest scene ever!lol
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulai (Amerie/アメリ:2001)
Here you are,Amerie! i think Amerie is the most popular french movie. i watched it about three years ago..? maybe. so i don't remember exactly story but i remember that artistic picture and sex scene of the beginning.lol i was kinda shocked when i saw sex thing... now i don't feel anything if i see it again because i grew up and watched tons of sexual movies*lmfao* i wanna watch again sometime soon..

Les Choristes (The Chorus/コーラス:2004)
~in the movie~
how handsome!??? now he's 22 years old. i like his looks the best when he's teenager :) i don't know he's still singing now but there're many videos of his singing on youtube when he was kid.
now you can watch full movie of Les Choristes with english subtitles on youtube. i hope you like it ♡